Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Every year for the next 4 years, December-February, Aleta and Roy will join their younger son Sam and his family, near Durban, South Africa.  This 3 month stay will include the holidays, of course, but the goal is to join in with the Genesis team ministries. Genesis is the non-profit organization Sam & Anna partner with. The lead pastor with the Genesis project had extended an open invitation to get involved in their various venues to reach out to the communities via health, discipleship, youth, and even agriculture. Aleta knew she could help out at the hospice care center and also help Lynn Brackley, director of the Genesis volunteer program. Roy knew he could get involved in agriculture, addressing the needs related to vegetable gardening and fruit trees, especially in the rural areas. They just had a brain-storming session with Lynn and her husband Gary, exploring the possibilities for ministries with Genesis, about how to reach our in compassion and to share Christ's love.  The first goal is all about listening and learning before starting up any new ministry. However, in the interest of saving time for trees to grow, Roy has begun to set up a nursery; a place to establish the new and nutritious fruit trees, vegetables, and beans that he would like to introduce from the CEFA ag program in Central Africa. The Brackleys have generously offered space on their farm to build the nursery and to plant a demo garden and tree plots. They also have made their small pick-up available for work use, and, most important of all, they proposed that their main farm hand, Zweli, could be an integral part of this work! So, a demo veggie garden has been planted, as shown in the photo; see Zweli setting up the veggie beds with his right hand man, Roy! CEFA can now claim that it is on a mission to help South Africans with a more diversified farming system. There is also the possibility of connection with other ag non-profit organizations in the area in order to help those in the south coast area be more self-sufficient, especially regarding food needs. 

Roy & Aleta Danforth
Covenant missionaries to the Central African Republic
cell phones:cell phones: Aleta 011 237 67529 5071 or 011 236 7744 8621
Roy 011 236 7754 9176011 or 011 237 66171 7808
email: roy-aleta.danforth@covchurch.org
for us personally:  http://blogs.covchurch.org/danforth/