Tuesday, April 25, 2017


With a four day seminar, CEFA hosted 42 Cameroonians (11 women and 10 Fulani) representing 30 different ag co-ops on the topic of agroforestry. This is not only the largest crowd CEFA has ever invited at one time, but it is also the first international one! Lessons were taught on how to layout an orchard and a tree nursery as many were interested in starting their own oil palm farm. The participants mainly learned by observing what CEFA has been practicing such as no-burn gardening, composting, cover cropping, and raising nutritious fruit trees. It was a great success on CEFA's part - now the responsibility falls on the shoulder's of each rep that attended, to return to their villages and transfer that information back to his or her own co-op.

--   Roy & Aleta Danforth  Covenant missionaries to the Central African Republic  cell phones: Aleta 011 237 67529 5071 or 011 236 7744 8621   Roy 011 237 66171 7808 or 011 236 7754 9176  email: roy-aleta.danforth@covchurch.org  blog Personal:  http://blogs.covchurch.org/danforth/  blog CEFA: http://car-cefa.blogspot.com/

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