Wednesday, June 21, 2017


CEFA reps, Benoit, Nadege and Roy attended a Covenant World Relief sponsored Conference in Pietermeritsburg, South Africa the week of May 21 to 27, 2017. There were 9 separate groups representing their own unique projects in their own countries such as self-help (savings and loan), agriculture, counseling, refugee assistance, and many more. The some 30+ participants visited several of the self-help groups in the area in action as part of the Zimelewethu organization that hosted the conference. This was not only an excellent forum in which to learn what everyone was doing in their part of Africa, but also it became a time in which good relationships were developed between the group members. It was amazing to hear of all the hardships and sufferings each program has gone through, but we see the Lord's hand in the successes that have been achieved that are transforming lives within each holistic ministry. A big thanks to CWR (Dave Husby) and Zimelewethu (Audrey Matimelo) for an excellent time!

--   Roy & Aleta Danforth  Covenant missionaries to the Central African Republic  cell phones: Aleta 011 237 67529 5071 or 011 236 7744 8621   Roy 011 237 66171 7808 or 011 236 7754 9176  email:  blog Personal:  blog CEFA:

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