This week, I had the privilege of travelling into Cameroon to visit several of the ag co-ops that attended the agroforestry seminar here at the CEFA farm 3 months ago in April. There are over 50 ag co-ops in Cameroon alone as the interest is very high for learning as much as they can about agricultural improvements to help with not just food security, but also to improve their livelihoods. The village of Nyabi is where Bernard Bekosso and his family fled to along with their Fulani friends from CAR back in 2014, to escape death and destruction. Now, all these refugees are participating in 12 co-ops that Bernard has help to create. Even though I was only with Bernard and his co-ops a total of 24 hours, I witnessed many amazing results that the seminar participants did after they returned from their learning experience at the CEFA farm. So, for the next few weeks, the CEFA blog will put out a few of those stories that will warm your heart like it did mine! There is hope for Central Africans, especially refugees! (photos above: Nyabi Fulani women's ag co-op and one of the co-op's seminar participants with his certificate)
-- Roy & Aleta Danforth Covenant missionaries to the Central African Republic cell phones: Aleta 011 237 67529 5071 or 011 236 7744 8621 Roy 011 237 66171 7808 or 011 236 7754 9176 email: blog Personal: blog CEFA: electronic communication, including any attached documents, may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information that is intended only for use by the recipient(s) named above. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the communication and any attachments.