Elodie came from Cameroon to teach us how to turn cocoa beans into oil and then cocoa butter. Before leaving, we toured the Somongoe CEFA farm and Garden of Eden. Here is her testimony: "What riches you have! From what I saw, I have to start cultivating my own small plot ». So before leaving, she bought 2 tea plants, 2 mangosteen plants, 2 rambutan plants and I offered her 2 coffee plants from the island of Hawaii. She asked for some pepper cuttings and saw the glyricidia trees they were climbing on, and got cuttings of that as well. She said in conclusion "I pray to God that what I come home with will survive because I know their importance and I will not fail to return to CEFA as soon as possible".
-- Roy & Aleta Danforth Covenant missionaries to the Central African Republic cell phones: Aleta 011 237 67529 5071 or 011 236 7744 8621 Roy 011 237 66171 7808 or 011 236 7754 9176 email: roy-aleta.danforth@covchurch.org blog Personal: http://blogs.covchurch.org/danforth/ blog CEFA: http://car-cefa.blogspot.com/